Mono-Wheel model, with factory trailer.
NSI Suberu EA-81 100 HP Engine
86 Hours TT
3 Blade, Warp Drive Cockpit Adjustable Prop.
VFR Panel
Terra Radio and Transponder
Fuel Flow Meter
Navaid Autopilot
Much more...
$62,000 and over 2600 hours invested.
This airtcraft is being offered complete for $49,000.
I will consider selling the aircraft without the engine,
or the engine without the airframe.
This beautiful aircraft is extremely well built.
It was the 1st customer built EUROPA to fly in the U.S.,
and was displayed at Sun-N-Fun and Oshkosh.
Call Don at 404 /843-3611 between 9 AM and 6 PM. ET