Mono-wheel model, with factory trailer.
NSI suberu EA-81 100 HP Engine
86 hours total time
3 blade, Warp Drive Cockpit Adjustable Prop.
VFR Panel
Terra Radio and Transponder
Fuel Flow Meter
Navaid Auto Pilot
Much more...
I have over $ 62,000 and 2600 hours invested.
This aircraft is being offered complete at $ 45,000.
This beautiful aircraft is extremely well built
It was the first customer built EUROPA to fly in the U.S.,
and was displayed at Sun-N-Fun and at Oshkosh.
I will consider selling the aircraft without the engine,
or, the engine without the airframe.
Call Don at 404/843-3611 between 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. ET.