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Subject: Europa-USA
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 17:09:27
> I guess there are still a bunch of people hooked up to Avnet!!
             Does this mean they aren't or shouldn't be? I don't think I am.
I am hooked up to the

> My intention's are not to dupicate efforts but get things rolling on this
> side of the pond for Europa owners/builders.
            I am not being vehement, but what is opening up a second website
if not duplicating 'efforts'. Does it mean I have to select both yours and
the original website in order to find out the latest thing? If so, why?
> I think having one U.S. web site should make it easier for anyone to find>
info on whats happening in the U.S. and Canada.
            There is already one World website - what is the advantage to
two? If no one sends the present website local news, how will having two
sites make it easier?

>I will have every U.S. & > Canadian web link and every owner who wants to
be on the list up there.
            May I suggest every US, Canadian, South African, NZ and Aussie
web link should be at the original site?

> Eventually it will have e-mail address's for them so it will be easy to
> contact any owner who wants to be.
             Why don't we have the Club publish those regularly - since I
believe that is its purpose?
> We will have a quarterly printed newsletter, so even those without the
web> can participate.
            Is this an added cost to Club membership and Europa membership?

Fly-Ins for Europa's will be organized and fun/educational >events held.
With many more Europa's flying over here all the time it just
> makes sense.
            These are organised already. There will be many more Europas
flying in every corner of the globe - so, at the speed of light, how much
time is saved by a US site over the world site?
> More visibility for Europa should help with sales also, and thats a good >
thing for everyone!!!
            I fail to see how dividing the earth into US citizens and
'others' is a good thing for everyone - unless of course it means every US
> If you are a U.S or Canadian owner and it's o.k. to put your name up on
the > web site e-mail me at  If you have a picture of
your > plane e-mail it and I will add it right away.>
> The web site is only the first step - lots more is coming so stay
            I get my finest quality SPAM through the offices of HotMail. I
won't be joining the renegade US website, nor do I wish my address published
for more.
Yours for a United world,
Europa A064

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