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Re: XS Topping out

Subject: Re: XS Topping out
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 14:18:22

Hi Mike,

I agree with Gerry Holland. I also completed almost everything before topping 
This included
upholstery. Especially carpet linings in the footwells and ceiling lining above
baggage area
(with top in inverted position) is so much easier with full access. Just leave
excess material
around the edges and not bonded around the edges. I also painted the bottom of
fuselage. Conduit is along the center of the floor up to seat pans for wiring 
the rear.
One thing to watch is the wing fit, you should leave the front sockets unbonded
until you
get the top on.
As far as I can remember I had only the following left to do:
fit window and doors,
final fit of ceiling and wall linings ( one to two hours work),
vertical side supports from seat to door sill,
bond front sockets with wings fitted (wing root fairings already in place to 
of wings as a parallel project),
attach rudder and fin cap.

Engine and instrument module fit were the final project, apart from painting.

Best regards, Karl Heindl  xstrigear 392

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike
Subject:  XS Topping out

I'm trying to minimise my exposure to painful contortions in the rear fuselage
by doing as much as I can before putting the lid on.
The manual warns against it but I wonder if I can successfully complete jobs 
as fitting wing sockets, top hats & tie bar and flap tube before topping out.
Would I be laying myself open to possible rigging or other problems?
Comments and advice from anyone who has done this will be much appreciated.

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