on 8/8/03 11:24 AM, Kevin Klinefelter at kevann@gte.net wrote:
> Hi All, I have a question regarding the sequence of painting the doors,
> outside handles, and fitting the latch covers. I suppose the handles need to
> be painted before the latch covers are bonded in place. Do the covers need
> to be bonded in place or are some folks using screws and nutplates? Seems
> like you might want to get in there in the future?
> Thanks Kevin
I am bonding the plates in place but cutting a hole where the door handle
bolt head is located. I used a nut plat in the outside handle before bonding
wood on and figure if i need in there for anyother reason I will just cut it
and do it again. The hole will alow me to take the outside handle off or to
squirt in some lubrication. Maby I will just put in a removable plug to
cover it. Keep asking questions and don't be afraid to use Nevile.
Tri A258