I like that idea David, would you mind emailing me a pic or details
of the tool sometime please (no rush).
Much appreciated,
On 31 Mar 2006, at 11:07, David Joyce wrote:
> <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk>
> Richard, Apart from covers it's worth considering getting rid of
> the ring in
> the pip pins so that all of the holes can be much smaller. A small
> piece of
> steel in the hole the ring goes through allows you to fish the pip
> pin out
> and replace it with a tool that has a spiral groove that screws on
> to the
> pip pin and pulls up the central portion of it, thus disengaging
> the pips.
> The tool is only about a centimetre in diameter, (lives on the
> ignition key
> ring), and the access holes in the tail planes and wing roots only
> need to
> be slightly wider. This makes the system pretty much tamper proof,
> so that
> no passing youth can readily go off with a pip pin to see how well
> the plane
> flies without it, and also covering the hole with a small circle of
> sticky
> white plastic is neat and easy. Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ