Hello John,
Concerning the audio connections, not sure what you want to achieve. But if you
want to connect the audio output of the Dynon HS34 and the L+R output of the
Garmin GPS to the input of the SL30, you will need a mixer. Something like:
http://www.fdatasystems.com/Products/AP-60/AP-60.html. The common of the Garmin
GPS is the common ground of your audio for the different devices.
Concerning the serial, the installation manual of the Dynon D10A or D100
depicts the connections to the HS34. Basically, you will need to connect one of
the Tx/Rx of the GPS to the Rx/Tx HS34 serial 1 and the Tx/Rx of the SL30 to
the Rx/Tx of the HS34 serial 2 and configure the HS34 appropriately. According
to the Dynon wiki (http://wiki.dynonavionics.com/HS34_FAQ), the HS34 will pass
the frequencies from the GPS to the SL30.
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