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Subject: Introduction
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 21:01:45
although I have subscribed a while ago to this mailing list, I'm 
still fighting the complications of the InterNet and did not dare to 
write my first message to a group of expert users ...

Right now I'm still 'a dreamer', but get closer to actually buying a 
kit: I will retire by the end of the year (that will give me enough 
time for a project this size, I hope), I have my wifes o.k. to build 
an airplane, and I'm going to visit the factory within the next two 
weeks to have a closer look to the Europa. I think I am pretty much 
fixed towards the Europa, but since I am a real low time pilot (just 
about 100 hrs) I would like to take a ride in the demonstrator to see 
if I can really handle the plane.  

Are there any builders in Germany? Could I get a list of builders, 
and if yes, how?

I'm looking forward to building the plane and hope that this mailing 
list will be of help for all of us. 


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