A friend is now building the first part of the Europa. He built two wheel
chocks as a lesson in the layup fiberglas techinique. He says the first
stages of handholding really leaves something to be desired. He has NO
prior fiberglas experience, and has not had anyone with experience over
to lend a hand. He is now in Oshkosh twisting Ivan's arm to try to get
some more helpful information into the manual. Certainly it costs big
$ to make the tapes but a 1/2 hour or hour tape would be well worth it
for first time builders. If you are like me, you would think a really
long time about doing the wings, tail, etc. wondering all the time if you
*really* were doing it right. Too much resin? Too little resin? Just how
vigorous should you be with the brushing, etc? All questions that a
good video migh t help resolve. Perhaps EAA or someone has such a good
tape now, but if so, mention it in a flyer. All in good time, I guess.
BTW, I hear that the 600 hour build time is NOT a first timer's estimate.
+ is more like it, but maybe some of the guys who are actually building
one can help with this.....the 50 hour build time of the Revolution helicoptier
looks better all the time. Dale