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Rigidity of tail assembly

Subject: Rigidity of tail assembly
From: Steven A Eberhart <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 09:07:56
I just got my Europa video back, and have had a chance to look at the 
"rudder flutter" that was recently discussed.  I have had control surface 
flutter on Radio Control models and when you have it you know it.  What 
was shown on the video looks like a possible lack of sufficient rigidity 
in the tail cone.  The degree of movement looked to be enough that I 
think I would want to investigate methods of adding rigidity to the tail 
cone.  Possibly glassing in a honeycomb bulkhead to help keep the 
fuselage sides from apparently deforming.

I think this is a question I would like Peter to pose to the experts at 


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