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Instrument panel

Subject: Instrument panel
From: Allan Hall <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 17:19:20
In reply to Graham Singleton's question on panels <what about a laptop?>

Excellent idea IMHO, all we need now is someone to develop it. The only
forseeable problem would be RFI interference, if I try to use my Icom A22
anywhere near my computer (DX4-100) all I can hear is computer noise. I don't
know if laptops are any better in this respect or if further shielding is

Safe flying depends on making correct decisions based upon available
information. The better the information, the safer the flying. What is really
important is having the information presented in the correct way, it's no good
having a panel stuffed full of dials because you will be so busy reading them
all you won't have time to look up from the panel <CRASH>...... The Rotax flydat
goes part of the way down this road by sounding a warning and flashing if any
engine parameter (oil t&p,cht,egt etc) is exceeded, with a panel mounted laptop
this could be further expanded to include fuel level, pressure & flow, altitude
& ROC  etc. If you think of something else, just rewrite the software and add
the relevant sensors..........

Safe flying also depends on knowing where you are,  basic GPS co-odinates are
ok, but by the time you have found N05418 W00133 on your chart you will have had
your head down for so long that you didn't see that Tornado on approach to the
MATZ  you were trying to avoid!. With a colour laptop and NMEA output from your
GPS  you can scan in your 500,000 charts and see your GPS position overlayed on
the chart! - Brilliant. Take away the navigation load, only aviation &
communication to worry about, which makes flying easier & safer.
 Add a mobile phone & modem and you could get up to date weather or even Europa
mail (on the ground only please!!) 

I believe that this is one of the areas where homebuilts could take a huge lead,
the Europa is an advanced design that deserves advanced avionics, so come on
boffins, make it happen!

Allan J Hall (177)

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