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Re: Lights

Subject: Re: Lights
From: Richard Meredith-Hardy <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 21:02:46
>Has anybody of the builders thought about integrating position and landing
>lights in the Europa?
>Would  be very usefull to have the allowance to fly SS SR +-30.
>Thomas, Kiel Germany

We have installed a piece of 15mm bore plastic conduit in each wing
down the lightening holes. This would make getting the wires
through easy.  If we ever want to fit wingtip lights then we would
simply take a splash of each tip, then (probably) cast some clear
windows in the splash and then cut out the recess to fit. Casting is
in principle much easier than draping perspex over such a tight
compound curve and there are some new clear casting resins from
America which are completely clear and don't discolour or craze. As
far as electrical contacts wing to fuselage is concerned we were
thinking along the lines of those sort of contacts commonly seen in
the tailgates of cars so there would be nothing to unplug (or
forget to plug in) at awkward moments when rigging the wings.

With landing lights, we think we could get away with one which could
be rigged somehow in the wheel well to come down with the mainwheel.
There are some very small new fangled 100w lights from the US which
are extraordinary powerful.  There was a thread about these a while
back in CIS AVSIG and you could try contacting Marshall S. Michaelian
on who I believe will be able to tell you


Richard Meredith-Hardy         TEL + 44 (0)1462 834776        FAX + 44 (0)1462 732668
CIS: 100071,2422

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