A pig of a job - with apologies to lovers of pigs of course! Well at least I
found it so. The first side window had to come out after a few minutes - and of
course be cleaned up - I clearly hadn't left enough clearance between the edges
of the perspex and the sides of the frame. I eventually got it fitted using what
seemed like a forest of garden canes jammed between the walls, roof and anything
else that wouldn't move. The result was not good with some rippling along the
Following Doncaster and a chat with Graham Singleton I did the second one with
luggage straps - the sort obtainable from motor spare/accessory suppliers. This
helped and I only needed a small forest of canes. I did have two problems
though. The straps do stretch a little and I should have spent more and bought
ones fitted with tensioners - you'll need lengths up to about 4m by the way. The
second mistake was to heat the workshop too much - over 30C - I didn't realise
how much perspex expands - enough to pop the perspex out locally anyway - but
the end result now does at least seem better in the end - I'll find out when I
chop the forest down.
Finally, and with further apologies for the length of this, anyone know of a
faster way of safely sanding perspex other than using a Perma Grit sanding
May all your pigs be little ones!