..I have the Equipment, Camera, Lighting and Editing equipment to do this
..if I could get together with a few builders (UK) and the factory to put a
..Building Techniques Video together....
.. EMAIL me if interested
I think a video is a very good idea, although I suspect the practicalities are
enormous. A much simpler/interim option would be to put together a picture
gallery and commentary on the Web. Stills contributed by (proud!) builders must
be available in great abundance. Scanning contributions into a format suitable
for downloading via the Web is straightforward. There would be an editing task
someone (more knowledgeable than me) needed to provide the words to go with the
chosen pictures. The expertise to format the whole lot into Web (so called
HTML) format is likely to reside within the Europa News group (PS I do it for a
living and I'd galdly swap some of my spare time for some Europa air-time!).
I know this format works well 'cos there's a Web site contributed by
a State-side Velocity builder which I was following (until a year ago when his
efforts were temporarily halted). When I locate the URL I'll post it for you to
have a look at.
Assuming the video is well advanced by the time the stills Web site is up and
running, a frame grabber can be used to turn selected scenes from the video
into downloadable images. Commentary to go with the grabbed frames would make a
useful addition to the stills site and would be invaluable as a promotional
To summarise, there are no technical problems with putting together a picture
gallery on the Web but an awful lot of organisational ones! However, there is
no doubting the real value of such a project if a small working party with time
commitment (ie probably not existing builders!) can be organised.
Alan Jackson