FROM: Ron Swinden, 100776,2633
DATE: 15/12/95, 19:21
Re: Copy of: Flyer Mag No 7
---From Ron & Kath Swinden On Teusday the 12th we got the proofs of the mag &
them down to the printer. Wednesday we got three late articles / adds stopped
the printer & took the new stuff down and added it to the mag on a crowded shop
counter and started the printer once more! Please please try to get your stuff
in ASAP. Today 15th we got the lot back so we have spent the day licking and
weighing to get the mag to most of you for Christmas. We sent 150 to UK 20 to
USA France 5 Germany 4 Austria 3 Italy 1 Denmark 4 Switerland 4 Holland 2 Eire
New Zealand 2 Autrailia 5 and 1 each to Hong Kong Keynya & Saudi Arabia. All
the O/seas stuff now goes air Mail so it should'nt take too long.
Some of you are still I think sending me e-mail on Fido net and my local Fidonet
links have gone a bit pearshaped so it would be better if you used my Compuserve
address above. Kath and I will be with our daughter in Hickory NC from end of
Feb and most of March & I would love to see the odd Europa just to stop me from
getting homesick so if you are building within striking distance of NC you might
like to send me a line so I can get in touch.
Just a reminder to people wishing to sign on for the Europa club Rowland Carson
14 The Avenue Trimley IPSWICH 1P10 OTT is the new membership sec so
applications to join should go to him as also should all orders for the back
no's. Thanks to a few peoples help we now have an excellent index. The next job
to think about for anybody with a bit of quality thinking time to spare would be
the extraction of the hints and tips and other useful stuff from the first eight
issues of the mag so that we can supply a condensation of the useful bits
instead of sending the whole of the back mags to new members. Ideas/suggestions
most of all offers of help to me, Rowland or Dave Dufton please Merry
Christmas & a happy New year to you all Stay Healthy thru 96 All the best Ron
Kath S.