<<But does this really solve the fact.....> Well I must admit that I did
subsequently get a little misalignment one side. This was corrected by
softening the Redux around the bolt with a heat gun. If I had to do it
again I would quite happily not put the mechanism on the spars until the
whole fuselage was complete (including top), as access is no problem if
you have dummy wing spar roots. I suspect airframe stability might become
a fruitful subject for research and data gathering for the Europa (and
maybe other conmposite constructions) where some part positioning is
critical. I have already reported a drift of the spacing of the wing
spar bushes in the back of the cockpit module, and have recently seen
ripples mystically appear along the bottom of the fuselage which are too
deep to fill ! Whether this is an indication of long term instability or
just something which happens during construction remains to be seen.
Supporting the fuselage at all times on straps therefore certainly seems
a good idea in case it has come from irregular support pressures, and I
propose to do this on the trailer too now.
BTW, I missed out a bit on dummy spars -- you can't accurately transfer
the hole from the dummy to the real spar if you make the block spacers
stick out (for supports), as they can't be laid against the real spars.
So you need to replace the spacer blocks between the templates later,
therefore don't glue them in, just screw them (pardon).
Glad you liked the sim model, Tony. One should perhaps drop the hp. to 80
as it climbs and cruises a bit fast, but the take-off run then seems a
bit long. One can tamper with the parameters ad infinitum, but I will
leave this till I have a real one to check against !