>>the encouraging message "not for aviation use" !<<
This stupid and irritating remark is put there for the benefit of thieves who
infiltrate mainly the US government but unfortunately ours too. Some of them, to
many I fear, call themselves lawyers.
I strongly recommend that the tunnel bulkhead is made removeable. Not difficult,
unlike getting in there for maintenance and inspection. It would help also to
use a 90 deg fitting between the pump and the filter. Then you can get the pump
almost as low as you really would like. Best practice is to have the pump only
just above the fuel filter/drain/water trap, which should be the lowest point in
the system.
Ivan and I tufted G-KWIPs fuselage today to see if our altered cooling system
with outlets at the top and bottom cowling junction affected the laminar flow of
the fuselage. It didn't seem to, however, our beautiful flap root fillets which
extend aft from the wing trailing edge do appear to cause slight separation just
above the trailing edge. I suspect the fillet should be bigger radius at the TE
as Gemin described. What I don't understand is that G-KITS doesn't exhibit this
separation, I understand (haven't seen the pictures yet.) Maybe the high
pressure leak through the flap fuselage gap is just right to keep the flow
attached. Odd, even our leader was surprised (and I suspect quietly pleased :-<
The more I fly this little bird the more it impresses me. Today we had about 15
knots from the left at 60 deg. No problem, even when I was too busy to kick off
the drift. The key is once you round out you must keep the stick coming back
steadily. If you don't the PIOs can be impressive. Speed on approach was 60
knots slowing to 55 over the fence. It was a bit choppy today but the turbulence
---From the trees etc. was easily handled.
Take off is a doddle. Stick back until speed looks reasonable then gently ease
the back pressure and up she goes.