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Builder photo web page

Subject: Builder photo web page
From: Steven A Eberhart <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 14:17:27
Now that there are eleven Europas flying and somewhere around 300 under 
construction it sure would be nice if there was a Web site with a set of 
builder pictures.  If any of the builders could scan the photos and if 
nothing else just put together a basic page that just shows the 
pictures.  There is a good example of this type of thing on

If you don't have the time or what ever to put the web page together I 
would be glad to do it and put it on my server.  If you don't have 
facilities to scan the pictures into .jpg files I could do that also but 
you would have to part with your documentation pictures for a while.

Any way, sure would be nice to have a web page of construction photos.  
Later on a narrative could be added to go along with the pictures.

If anyone is interrested my web page is at

Just a thought and an offer to help get it done.


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