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Re: How much does this lot cost to run ?

Subject: Re: How much does this lot cost to run ?
From: Martin W. Berner <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 17:19:54 wrote:
> Re your enquiry as to cost of Europa I reckon as follows ( these are only
> approximate but I reckon are fairly realistic.)
> This adds up to about #32,000 

To think that I passed on a PA28-161 with a genuine 500 hrs since new, engine 
& airframe, for US$32,000 !

Why is everything in the UK the same price in pounds as it is in US$ in the 

At least the local FBO bought the Piper and I can still rent it !

Martin W. Berner,   26 Mayfield Road, Valsayn Park, Trinidad, The West 

"Per Ardua ad Astra"                                               
"Nil illigitmus carborundum"

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