After lurking around here for some time I actually ordered the Europa
Tail-Kit (# 271) and converted the garage into a workshop. I would
not do things in that order again. It is pure frustation to look at the
Europa box, unable to do anything with it.
I am a first-timer in composite, so I looked forward to get some
hands-on experience while building the Euro chock. My experience is
that most of the things are 'manageable' once you have everything in
front of you. With one exception.
The manual says to ... allow a few hours for the layup to reach 'knife
trim stage' (layup becomes leathery) ...
Well, I waited for some hours, trying to trim the layup, and created
a mess! Obviously I did not wait long enough. After waiting some
more time, the thing was cured to a stage way beyound knife-cutting.
Can somebody give me a hint on what a 'few hours' may be?
Reading all of your contibutions here has given me the confidence
(maybe premature ?? see above) that I could actually build the Europa.
I hope that the old-timers will be around here to answer some of the
newcomers questions. I'm sure that I will have some more questions
during 'real' building.