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Introducing Bob Nuckolls

Subject: Introducing Bob Nuckolls
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 22:59:22
I just got around to subscribing to the Europa list server;
I'm pleased to find that one exists!  By way of introduction,
I've appended my "infomercial" about the AeroElectric Connection
and a bibliography of some of my past works in aviation journals.

                       Bibliography of Printed Works

                            by Bob Nuckolls

 "No Juice."  Aviation Consumer, February 1995

 "Aircraft Electrical Systems: A philosophy for Reliability."  
     Sport Aviation, February 1993, Page 80.

 "Fuses or Circuit Breakers?" Sport Aviation, March 1993, Page 86.

 "Brushes for Aircraft."  Sport Aviation, April 1993, Page 62.

 "Solid State Light Dimming."  Sport Aviation, June 1993, Page 50.

 "Magneto Switch Options."  Sport Aviation, July 1993, Page 56.

 "The Batteries are Coming, the Batteries are Coming!!!!"  
     Sport Aviation, August 1993, Page 90.

 "Crowbar Over Voltage Protection."  Sport Aviation, December 1993, Page 68.

 "Ignition Battery Manager: Reliable Aircraft Operations with Battery
     Powered Ignition Systems." Sport Aviation, January 1994, Page 84.

 "Failure Mode Effects Analysis: Confidence by design." Sport Aviation, 
     June 1994, Page 83.

 "Avionics Master Switches." Sport Aviation, July 1994, Page 80.

 "Battery Alternatives for Hand-held Radios."  Sport Aviation,  
     March 1995, Page 30.

 "Ignition Battery Manager - Revisited"  Sport Aviation, August 1995, 
     Page 99.

 "Aircraft Electrical Systems for Homebuilders", SportPlane Resource 
     Guide, 1995/1996 edition published by Kindred Spirit Press, 
     3001 21st Street NW, Winterhaven, FL 33881. 

 "When is a Good Ground Not?"  Kit Airplane Builder, February 1996.

 "Anatomy of a Close Call"  will appear soon in Kitplanes magazine. 

 The AeroElectric Connection, an Information Service and Guide to Theory, 
     Operation, Design and Fabrication of Aircraft Electrical Systems.  
     A book (200+ pages), newsletter and consulting service offered 
     through Medicine River Press, 6936  Bainbridge Road, Wichita, KS 
     67226-1008.  Phone (316) 685- 8617. e-mail to

 Be sure to check out Bob's forums in the tents at Oshkosh every year.
 There's at least one daytime forum on a specific topic and an evening, 
 open Q&A marathon.

                     The AeroElectric Connection 

 In development for over 10 years, the AeroElectric Connection is a
 definitive work on electrical systems for light aircraft.
 Over 1000  readers in 12 countries.

 Written, illustrated and published by an engineer and educator with
 over 35 years experience in electrical and electronics systems design. 

 Possible the only book you'll ever buy with the author's name, address
 and phone number on the front cover; questions, comments and criticisms
 welcome!   If you don't talk to use we don't now what to write about!

 Rapid response e-mail feedback.  We try to check our mailbox two or
 three times per day and answer immediately.

 Yearly updating and periodical newsletters keep your documentation up
 to date by subscription.  

 Newsletters:  Hot Flashes from the AeroElectric Connection are mailed
 periodically to cover timely topics and error corrections in other
 printed materials.  When the book is finished, the newsletters will
 step up to a quarterly publication rate. 

 Wiring Diagram Services:  How are you going to remember where all those
 wires go five years from now?  When the time comes to sell your airplane,
 how are you going to tell your prospective buyer where all the wires go?
 Readers may wish to take advantage of customized power distribution
 diagrams and/or complete page per system wire books and wire marking
 tailored to your airplane and equipment . . . contact us for details.

 Weekend Seminars:  It's difficult to beat a face-to-face tutorial with
 question and answer sessions.  Bob's services are available for intensive,
 all-day Saturday and half-day Sunday seminars.  Depending on distance
 traveled and other expenses a minimum of 40 attendees at $75/person are
 necessary.  A number of companies offering aviation related services
 donate to the door prizes for these seminars. Curently, the AeroElectric
 Connection is giving away a hand-held GPS receiver!  Drop us a note with
 your snail-mail address for a sample flyer and details on how to organize
 a weekend seminar in your area.

 Procurement Services:  Ten years experience working with thousands of
 amateur airplane builders has shown that locating sources for suitable
 parts can waste hours of time that would be better spent bolting
 parts to the airplane.  We're doing the planning and artwork now on
 a catalog of recommended products and supplies to be stocked by the
 'Connection. The catalog should be ready for publication by OSH '96.
 In addition, the 'Connection will offer to locate and arrange shipping
 for parts not in our catalog charging only a nominal service fee for
 time and expenses.  Let us help you with difficult or otherwise time
 consuming procurement activities.

 The Book:  Materials in print now total over 200 pages with lots of
 illustrations.  Unlike books nailed between hard covers which cannot
 change, the 'Connection is a dynamic work that grows with new
 technology and advancement of our collective experience . The book
 is 3-ring,  loose-leaf binder format to permit timely updates. 

                      Chapters presently cover:

      Chapter                  Topic

          1 . . . . . . . . . DC Fundamentals
          2 . . . . . . . . . Batteries
          3 . . . . . . . . . Engine Driven Power Sources
          4 . . . . . . . . . Voltage Regulators
          5 . . . . . . . . . Grounding
          6 . . . . . . . . . Over Voltage Protection
          7 . . . . . . . . . Electrical System Instrumentation
          8 . . . . . . . . . Wire Selection and Installation
          9 . . . . . . . . . Wire Termination and Connectors
          10  . . . . . . .  Circuit Protection
          11  . . . . . . .  Switches Relays and Contactors
          12  . . . . . . .  Lighting and Lighting Controls
          13  . . . . . . .  Antennas and Feedlines
          14  . . . . . . .  Temperature Instrumentation
      Appendix C     Catalog of Products and Services
      Appendix Z     Power Distribution Diagrams

 Name _____________________________________________


 City:_____________________State:_____ Zip:________

 Phone(s): (______) _______________________________

Please enter my (  )NEW or (  ) RENEWAL subscription to the AeroElectric
 Connection.  I enclose US funds as follows:


                                      N. America (Overseas)
   (   ) Revision 6 (Current edition) . . . $32    ($40)  ______ 
   (   ) Revision 7 update subscription . . $13    ($17)  ______ 
   (   ) Revision 8 update subscription . . $13    ($17)  ______

    Total Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._______   

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 Make checks payable to Medicine River Press.  Mail with form to
 6936 Bainbridge Road, Wichita, KS  67226-1008. Orders may also be placed
 by phone (316) 685-8617 or e-mail to       1/96

 You don't need to be a subscriber to rattle my cage . . . especially if you
 do it though this list server so that all may benefit from the conversation.
 If any of you are attending Oshkosh this year, please look me up in the
 booth for B&C Specialty Products (see your program for booth number and
 locator map).  Also, I'm doing an EAA Tech Counselor Forum in the tents
 on Tuesday morning and an all evening open q&a sesson on Tuesday night.
 I'd be pleased to meet any of you there!


 Bob . . .

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