europa-list (date)
July 31, 1996
- 12" drills, Miles McCallum, 23:45
- Re: Fuel Vapour locking, Graham Clarke, 18:40
- Re: Sensitisation, Graham Clarke, 18:40
- Re: Fuselage Filling, Graham Singleton, 18:40
- Spinners, Graham Singleton, 18:40
- Spinners, Rolph Muller, 04:17
- Reaction to Ampreg, Rolph Muller, 04:17
- Labels, John Ellerington, 04:08
- Re: Spinners, Eric Evers, 01:36
- Re: cockpit labels & placards, Eric Evers, 01:36
July 30, 1996
- Re: cockpit labels & placards, George Gillburg, 22:16
- Insurance, bill, 21:37
- Re: cockpit labels & placards, bill, 21:37
- Europa for sale, jerry, 20:49
- Re: cockpit labels & placards, Barry, 17:38
- Re: Fuselage Filling, CPattinson, 17:32
- cockpit labels & placards, bill, 13:02
- Re: Composite Book, John Cliff, 09:56
- Re: Composite Book, Steven A Eberhart, 08:31
July 25, 1996
- The AeroElectric Connection, Graham Singleton, 19:11
- Re: Fuel Vapour locking, Graham Singleton, 19:11
- Introduction, Graham Singleton, 19:11
- Re: Fuel Vapour locking, RonSwinden, 16:18
- Thermostats, RonSwinden, 16:05
July 24, 1996
- No Subject, owner-tmdgmet, 13:35
- Introduction, Richard King, 12:50
- Re: Introduction, Martin, 07:47
- Sensitisation, Rolph Muller, 04:25
- Re: Fuel Vapour locking, Graham E Laucht, 01:42
July 23, 1996
- The AeroElectric Connection, DeWitt Whittington, 23:53
- Fw: Electrical Wiring a Europa, Graham Singleton, 20:11
- Fuel Vapour locking, Graham Singleton, 20:07
- Re: Fuel Vapour locking, Graham Singleton, 20:06
- Fw: Electrical Wiring a Europa, Robert L . Nuckolls III, 19:29
- Re: Fuel Vapour locking, dbosomworth, 09:52
- I'm back!, Robert L . Nuckolls III, 09:52
- rotax engine parts, Jerry Harrell, 08:12
- Fuel Vapour locking, Rolph Muller, 02:35
July 19, 1996
- Permagrit Query, ChuckPops, 22:03
- Re[2]: Panel Wiring, dbosomworth, 22:03
- Re: Panel Wiring, Graham Clarke, 22:03
- Sprayable Sanding Primer, ChuckPops, 22:03
- Re: Panel Wiring, Graham Singleton, 18:28
- Re: Panel Wiring, CPattinson, 07:14
- CB's, Rolph Muller, 04:44
- Oil Tank Vent bottle, Rolph Muller, 04:44
- First U. S. Customer built Europa Flies, William R . Henderson Jr ., 01:53
July 15, 1996
- subcontractors on database, Rowland & Wilma Carson, 23:17
- Anyone selling a part-finished airframe?, Rowland & Wilma Carson, 23:17
- Flap drive pin engagement, Graham Clarke, 15:08
- Plane sale +, RonSwinden, 15:08
- Re: Deadsets?, Martin, 08:26
July 12, 1996
- Video tape of Europa seminar - soon, Rowland & Wilma Carson, 22:00
- Rudder Pedal Clearance, Martin J . Tuck, 20:56
- fuselage dings, John Bampfylde, 17:38
- fuselage dings, John Bampfylde, 17:38
- Re: dxf files, RonSwinden, 17:18
- Those DXF files, Peter Davis, 16:43
- Europa Aviation Ltd On-Line, Peter . Thomas, 16:31
- The Europa Club AGM, Phoserve, 15:09
- Re: Aviation Subaru Mailing List, Europa Aviation Ltd, 15:04
- Re: dxf files, John Wighton, 11:46
- Re: fuselage dings, Steven A Eberhart, 08:08
- Arlington 96, LYNJOHN22, 00:22
July 11, 1996
- Tips: Pelouze Elect. Scale & small quantities, ChuckPops, 21:47
- RCPT: Re: Cheltenham video recording, BARRY MEREDITH, 13:37
- RCPT: Re: Cheltenham video recording, BARRY MEREDITH, 13:37
- Dremels in the UK, Rolph Muller, 13:33
- dxf files, Roddy Kesterton, 06:39
- .dxf files, John Ellerington, 04:57
July 10, 1996
- Intoduction, Paul Marshall, 16:38
- dxf files -Reply, Mark MC Clark, 16:36
- Re: dxf files, Graham E Laucht, 11:06
- Re: dxf files, Peter Thomas, 09:35
- dxf files, Robert L . Nuckolls III, 09:30
- Re: dxf files, George Gillburg, 07:20
- dxf files, Roddy Kesterton, 05:36
July 09, 1996
- What is the current price in UK, Denys Gover, 22:30
- RCPT: Re: Cheltenham video recording, christoph . both, 16:43
- RCPT: Re: Cheltenham video recording, christoph . both, 16:41
- Aviation videos, JustPlanes, 15:39
- Re: Thank you, Sue Davies and Peter!, Dr . Christoph Both, 12:10
- Collecting your Fuselage by end July?, Stephen Eyre, 09:02
July 07, 1996
- Aussie Imports, Richard Samulis, 22:59
- Introducing Bob Nuckolls, Robert L . Nuckolls III, 22:59
- New Builder, LYNJOHN22, 18:16
- Re: Electric Europa flies !, Graham Clarke, 16:19
- Re: Winter rigging., Graham Clarke, 16:19
- Lack of space, Peter Davis, 16:19
- Aviation Subaru Mailing List, Peter Thomas, 05:33
July 01, 1996
- Latest Rotax mods., Graham Clarke, 20:35
- Introduction, Mr D M Cope, 20:35
- Electric Europa flies !, Graham Clarke, 19:37
- Re: price of piston / ring Rotax, David Gore, 19:37
- Re: Latest Rotax mods., Graham Singleton, 19:37
- Wanna be on TV?, Rowland & Wilma Carson, 18:48
- Re: Latest Rotax mods., Steven A Eberhart, 15:51