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Re: dxf files

Subject: Re: dxf files
From: George Gillburg <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 07:20:28
>Can someone tell me which applications can read the .dxf files posted on
the ftp
>site plse ?
Any good CAD (Computer Assisted Drafting) program should be able to import
and export .dxf files.  DXF stands for Drawing Exchange File, a format
originated by AutoDesk for their AutoCAD program which is one of the most
popular CAD programs in the US and probably the world.  The only problem is
that AutoCAD costs too much for most home users (well in excess of US
$3000).  A less expensive solution to reading .dxf files and doing light two
dimensional cad work would be Drawing Board by Ashlar.  This program is
currently available for less than $200 in the US and is probably the easiest
CAD program to learn that I have seen.  (I've used AutoCAD for 10 years
professionally.)  Ashlar can be contacted at:

        Ashlar Incorporated
        1290 Oakmead Parkway Suite 218
        Sunnyvale, CA 94086
        Phone (408) 746-1810
George E. Gillburg

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