On Fri, 12 Jul 1996, John Bampfylde wrote:
> For all those proud builders who have dropped their fuselage on the floor
> |:-(
> How does one repair the ding? I have been told:
> 1. roughen the ding and surround (1 inch)
> 2. fill ding with micro, sand smooth to contour to surface
> 3. overlay roughened area with layers of uni that mimic the weave used in
> fuselage construction
> 4. after all's dry, on with the filler to fill weave and blend into the
> surface.
> Does this sound OK by the collective wisdom? (PS- factory has so far sat on
> my fax for 11 days. Come on guys, if you're watching)
> Also, what cloth is used in fuselage construction and what orientation?
> Regards,
> John Bampfylde, #130
The guys at the Lakeland FL office are the only Official Europa Internet
presence. Roger is at the Arlington Fly-In (according to a previous
post) but should be able to give you some guidance after their return.
Unless the "ding" is very small I would be cautious about using your
proposed solution. Rutan's book on Composite Sandwich Construction
details the methods to be used in great detail. If you are building a
composite aircraft you need the book, available from Aircraft Spruce,
Wicks, etc. THe factory approved methods need to come from the factory
but I think that Ivan's, almost religious, following of the Rutan
composite methods would lead me to believe that his recomendations would
be consistent with those of "the father of composite design."
If no one else responds with chapter and verse from the book you can
e-mail me for the sections about the repair.