Rudder Pedal Clearance (nothing to do with .DXF files!).
You can tell what stage I'm at now!
With Roger away - together with the aircraft - I could not get my usual prompt
reply from Lakeland - but I guess there are enough out there who have gotten
past this stage and can answer my question.
I have set up the rudder pedals laterally measuring 29 mm from the engine mount
as per the instructions but now I am fitting the cables I find that the
instructions tell you to position the tailwheel against one of its stops and set
the top of the relevant pedal 40 mm from the firewall.
I had assumed 40 mm from the rear face of the firewall but the outermost pedals
touch the sides of the firewall first (as they curve down) - with about 60 mm to
go before the rear face of the firewall.
Now it could be that the instructions mean 40 mm before the outer pedals touch
the curved sides of the firewall, but this will decrease once the sound proofing
(if fitted) and carpet is in place. Perhaps, just make sure there is clearance
which allows full extreme of rudder travel no matter how 'vertical' the rudder
pedals end up.
Cutting an angle on the uppermost rudder pedal tube (where your toes go) to
match the slope of the firewall would give more clearance and be OK as long as
you don't go through the weld I guess.
Any wisdom on the matter would be appreciated.
P.S. Concorde visited the Air Capital yesterday.
Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas