> One ear of one of my Softcom head sets just expired. I pulled it apart and
> found the leads from the drive coil broken. I can see it just fine (with an
> 8x magnifier) but can I heck as like repair it. Thinks I need an 8x
> shrinkifier on me soldering iron and a double handed hand steadier??
An elecronic type soldering iron will do the trick !
Sounds like you are using one fit for repairing radiators !
The dc
> resistance is about 100 ohms or so (each side). Does anyone sell replacement
earpiece units out there?? Ron S No 33
Yes - RST Technoligies of Grass Valley, California does, as well as
intercom and other kits. I don't have the precise adress in front of me
but will email it to you if no-one else comes up with it.
Martin W. Berner,
26 Mayfield Road, Valsayn Park, Trinidad, The West Indies
Live Long and Prosper !