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First U. S. Customer built Europa Flies

Subject: First U. S. Customer built Europa Flies
From: William R. Henderson Jr. <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 01:53:49
!!!!!   F I R S T    U. S.   B U I L T   E U R O P A   F L I E S   !!!!!

Today, July 18th at 2:37PM Eastern Daylight Time the first U. S. built
Europa, built by Don Huet of Atlanta, Georgia flew in the presence of all
but one of the Atlanta builders.  Roger Sheridan from Europa's Lakeland, Fl.
office had the honors for the 1st flight.  In Roger's words "It flew GREAT,
just like ELSA".  There are some overheating problems with the NSI Subaru
engine that have to be worked out, but the first flight went great.

I don't know if you are all aware, but Don picked up his tail and wing kits
just last September 1st, and is now flying!!!  Great job Don.  Wish we could
all get finished as quickly!!  His plane is also an example of excellent
craftsmanship.  For those of you who attended Sun n' Fun you probably saw
Don's plane on display.

Congratulations Don!!!!!!

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  • First U. S. Customer built Europa Flies, William R . Henderson Jr . <=