Why is AC behind the firewall a proble? Many of us have 26V 400Hz single phase
and 200V 400Hz 3 phase running separate instruments. Not a problem. The engine
delivers (variable) 400Hz single phase,volts can't remember but say 20. The
regulator sorts it and charges the battery, when it can that is. If the revs are
too low to give the Amps you are using your battery will go down. Slower, but
We like the idea of the alternator CB on the firewall, resetable if you really
need to. You only have to land if you are IMC or the mechanical fuel pump quits.
Ignition is independant of charging. There are two separate dedicated coils.
Rotax, it seems thought it out.
Ask for Europa's new circuit diagram. It will surely be improved but it's a good
base from which you are unlikely to come unstuck and I doubt you will need to
change much to perfect it.
BTW Bob Nuckoll's published remarks have almost pursuaded me that it's daft
using expensive 1930s technology CBs except for special jobs, like perhaps the
alternator supply and main bus.
Goldwing Strobes don't like them either and pose the question "Why no CBs on
modern high tek cars?"
Graham, trying to get rid of the Flu mode. an excuse if needed.