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Re: Pets corner

Subject: Re: Pets corner
From: Graham Clarke <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 10:53:26
Tony writes
<<would have reduxed the cat to the main wheel>>

Wouldn't work ! As with the wing, he would depart leaving his (F)rangible
(U)ppermost (R)eticule behind. Could survive eight landings anyway !

and on <<Hope today goes better>> it didn't...

If while painting the wings you turn them over too soon, you get two  
inverted bar-stools attached to the top surface. S'pose it's ok if you do 
it both sides. Perhaps Graham 1 will make some fairings for them.

I'll keep the cat though, he inspects the tail assembly each day from 
within. Must get one of Steve's Scotch terriers too - tortoiseshell only 
matches the bits he has modified !


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