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Intoducing Myself

Subject: Intoducing Myself
From: Phil Passmore <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 19:18:05
Just a quick note as requested by the auto-responder to introduce

I have recently passed my PPL, and have been lusting after a Europa
since before I started to fly. It will be a long time before I am in a
position to build one myself, so I make the following offer:-

I live near Nottingham UK, and would love to lend a hand to someone who
is building one of these A/C. I am not looking for part ownership, or
any recompense for any help I can give, I would just like some hands on
experience. If you live in my part of the world, and would welcome an
extra pair of hands as a skivvy/goffer, then please get in touch.

Phil Passmore

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