I've been reading the various methods people are using to cover the pip
pin holes in the stabs. I'm awed at some builders' ingenuity and
industriousness--Tony's plumbing fittings are particularly nifty.
Just a thought, through, from a (lazy) old sailplane pilot. Many of our
glass birds have various and sundry fittings here and there, not to
mention the long joins where wings plug into the fuselage, etc., and
since we traditionally rig and derig a lot more often than "Europeans,"
we just use stretchy white vinyl tape, available from various and sundry
gliding suppliers, etc. Sometimes we leave it on for days or even weeks
at a time (if we're lucky enough to avoid landing out in some wretched
paddock and having to derig).
It's what I plan to use on my Europa. Is it as elegant as Tony's
solution? Certainly not--the man is rapidly becoming either the
Benvenuto Cellini or maybe the Karl Faberge' of Europas. But I'd rather
spend the hours Tony spent on his pip pin covers building something more
vital--or (gasp!) maybe even flying my Europa that much sooner.