Graham Singleton wrote:
> >>Interested in the questioning comment about difficulty in flying/landing the
> europa and the number for sale after completion.<<
> If there is one single key to a good landing in a monowheel Europa it is not
> allow the airplane to land until the stick is hard on the back stop. The only
> other possibility is CG too far forward. Full nose down trim will give enough
> extra pitch authority at a cost of higher stick load. In the air the aircraft
> excellent. Aerobatics are relatively easy although not approved in UK.
> A few of the early builders spent too much money, one or two really wanted IFR
> machines, also not approved. A few made their aircraft too heavy with
> alternative engines, full panels and the like.
> Graham
I thought any landing yoou walk away from is a good one?
Denys Gover