>Gramin@aol.com wrote:
>> Would be unreasonable to ask that people replying to messages _do_not_ >copy
>One could also say the same for those messages not in english??
Why ever not ? Both the internet and the Europa are 'international
phenomina' . There is no divine right that non- English language
contributions should be forbidden. We are just darned lucky that the
communication age has adopted the English language and we are spared the
ordeal of having to become competent in a 'foreign' language as a
pre-requisite for any proffessional career. Besides, it's perfectly in
order that the reply in 'foreign' be broadcast so that everyone knows that
a reply has been made and there is no need for others to attempt one. I for
one derived some enjoyment from reading both notes.
Another general gripe on note content: I am sure that those non-native
English speaking participants must be confused or amused by the grammatical
blunders which are made. By far the most frequent mistake is
the confusion of "its" and "it's". ("it's" is short for " it is" or
"it has"; the possesive pronoun does NOT have an apostrophe).
There, their.
To, too, two.
aCCoMModation !
Eric Evers
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Ham: GM0 BVK