Eric Evers wrote:
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Would be unreasonable to ask that people replying to messages _do_not_
> >> >copy
> >
> >One could also say the same for those messages not in english??
> >DG
> Why ever not ? Both the internet and the Europa are 'international
> <
>' . There is no divine right that non- English language
> contributions should be forbidden. We are just darned lucky that the
> communication age has adopted the English language and we are spared the
> ordeal of having to become competent in a 'foreign' language as a
> pre-requisite for any <
> career.
Couldn't agree more - lets not be insular ! Time we all learned
enough French German and Spanish to get around !
> Another general gripe on note content: I am sure that those non-native
> English speaking participants must be confused or amused by the grammatical
> blunders which are made. By far the most frequent mistake is
> the confusion of "its" and "it's". ("it's" is short for " it is" or
> "it has"; the possesive pronoun does NOT have an apostrophe).
> There, their.
> To, too, two.
> aCCoMModation !
All right, Eric, we all know they speak better English North of
border and we'll put <
> and <
> down to a slip
of the finger................
What was that about glass houses ??
73 de Martin
(Are we straying from aviation, by chance ?)