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Re: Your time over again???

Subject: Re: Your time over again???
From: Martin J.Tuck <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 20:24:58
Your time over again??? Rudder shaping.

When I trial fitted my rudder, it was too short by about half inch. Not much I
know but having lined the top up you would be surprised just how much of a hole
half inch makes at the base of the rudder/fuselage intersection. Very noticable
in side-view too.

I ended up lopping off the radiused top of the rudder and starting over. Once I
got the shape right (including the 'half-ball shaped' piece at the top which
allows it to enter the closeout) ... and allowed for two thicknesses of bid, I
cut a triangular groove under the existing skin and in new foam piece to make a
vee-groove for flox at the joint and layed up the bid.

A kinda butt joint I know but I figured that this was OK in this non-structural

I doubt if you can predict quite what will happen with the rudder when you come
to fit it - particularly when you finish it so early in the project. The colder
weather halted progress on the rudder closeout last November. Beginning to warm
up now though so I'll be able to get cracking again soon and finish the airframe

Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas

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