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Re: Your time over again???

Subject: Re: Your time over again???
From: europa aviation ltd <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 08:33:15
>If you advanced builders had your time over again, would you attempt to
>preshape the leading edge of the rudder where it joins the tip to save
>having to repair in the future your own work?? I'm just shaping the rudder
>now and am frustrated with "not being able to get it right the first time!
>Is there an advantage in doing it the book way? I suppose it teaches repair
>techniques for the future, but I'm not planning on creating this scenario,
>and certainly not in an area where complex curves are.
>Any advice would be appreciated.
>Tony Renshaw
>Builder No.236
The reason for not attempting to describe in the manual the shape required
for the rudder's top leading edge such that it could be done prior to
fitting to the fin is that I felt it would cause confusion.

The straightforward task of filing the shape, with the rudder hinged to the
fin, and making up a simple layup was felt to be the best method in the

However, if there is anybody out there with good communication skills who
would like to forward a suggestion I'd be happy to consider it for inclusion
in the rudder chapter of the manual covering this area.

Try and keep it to within 250 words, and bear in mind that a good proportion
of Europa builders don't have English as their first language.


Andy Draper
Web Site at
     Fax No 44 1751 431706

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