>>Nav-Aid autopilot. Has anyone installed one? <<
Yes and I can recommend it. I've fitted a couple to Long EZs too. Very useful
piece of kit.
Best place is to mount it on the central console, just underneath the
passenger's knees, a simple bracket made from 2"X1" aluminum angle is bolted to
the bottom fork to take the ball joint at the push rod end.
Some people have fitted them under the seat, but IMHO this creates problems
clamping to the bottom torque tube to begin with and taking the servo cover off
for setting up.
When you install the cockpit module, try and avoid distortion, friction
introduced in the Tufnol bearings will be a real pain to cure. There will be
pain lining up the quick connect pivot bolts. Install and set up the wing lift
pins before putting the top on.