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Fuel Tank Fittings

Subject: Fuel Tank Fittings
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 11:33:05
I am currently making up the fuel tank fittings and have elected to fit the
optional fuel tank drain valves. The drawing supplied shows the F09C fitting
with the fuel opening uppermost and the drain fitting below. Clearly, this
leaves an extra 1/2 inch or so of fuel as unusable. In the original F09A the
fuel was drawn from the middle of the fitting so orientation wasn't a

What is the goal here? Is it to leave fuel which possibly contains dirt
inaccessible? Won't dirt generally be removed via the added drains?  Or is
the orientation of the part in the drawing not pertinent?  There is no
guidance in the text, perhaps because it wasn't needed with the original

John, A044

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