I have just realised that my recent message about acceptance of credit
cards for Club subs may have caused some confusion.
The Club year runs from 1st April to 31st March, and subs cover that
period, including 4 newsletters. I will be sending out personalised renewal
forms to all current members with the next issue of the Europa Flyer in
March, so if your membership is current, you do not NEED to do anything at
present. If you wish to renew before 31st March, I am happy to accept your
renewal remittance at any time. If you wish to join as a new member, you
can join now at the part-year rate (that will get you 2 newsletters rather
than 4) or wait till 1st April & join then for the full 1997/8 year.
Hope that's clear - if anyone is still confused, please get back to me
direct in private e-mail, not on the list.
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...