I have a bunch of these grass shears if anyone is interested in giving them
a try. They cost $8.00AUD (Aussie!) plus postage. Send me an e-mail with
your snail mail address and I'll post them on. Believe me, for 8 Bucks, they
are worth their weight in Gold!
You know how your knuckles of your hand that has the finger part of your
scissors tends to get in the way against the layup when trimming? I recently
sought out, or tried to, some offset handled scissors. When I finally found
them they were worth a fortune, and were also very fine in construction. I
found an alternative that might help people early on in their
projects-"Garden Grass Snippers"!
The pair I bought from China, worth about $8.00 AUD (cheap!), are great in
that they have far better mechanical advantage, as they do NOT rely on thumb
strength alone to cut through 1 or 2 layers of wetted out cloth. They are
such that the "plane your operating hand works in" is perpendicular to the
action or "plane of the blades", which makes sense if you imagine bending
down and trimming grass from around something. This offset action enables
your operating hand to be "out of the way". Mine, as most other types I have
seen, are spring loaded back to open, which works easily after cutting 2
layers of wetted out BID. I was also surprised how sharp they are, but I
suppose the material they are designed to cut would be harder than wetted
cloth. They cut easily right to the tip of the blade without additional
pressure, or lateral load on the blades to ensure the blades stay together.
If your bugged by the same thing it will only cost you a few bucks to give
this option a try!
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236