I, too am interested in what measures can be taken to reduce interior
noise. Do any of you know of the full range of options? I would guess
without knowing that there would be a weight penalty - am I right? Al.
[Prev]I am interested in what measures people have taken for cabin noise in
[Prev]Europas. I have flown Kim Prouts plane which has no damping and have
[Prev]it louder thatn many spam cans. He has measured it at 93dbA. I
[Prev]that ELSA is quieter. It apparently has a pad over the firewall.
[Prev]IT seems that the main sources would be firewall, Gear tunnel, Fuselage
[Prev]vibration and windows.
[Prev]What measures have other builders taken?
[Prev]Anybody have measurements on their planes ?
Alfonso C. Fuller, Jr. Attorney at Law
571 S Avenida Faro
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807