I wrote:
you estimate that
>> >with this fast built kit you could built your Europa XS in between 600 and
>> >1000 hours.
>> >
>> But I thought that the original build kit was meant to take only 500 hours
>> to complete. Surely that is what the advertisements always said - look at
>> them - YEARS of them, in LOTS of magazines. Yet here is a FAST build kit
>> that is going to take longer - or maybe 500 hours longer!! Something is
>> wrong, surely?? Can someone explain?
>> And then you wrote:
>Do you live in a VACUUM? Hadn't your teachers in school taught you the
>meaning of "poetic license"?
>An allegory to this is the "Campaign Promise" which is not worth the
>paper it is not written on!
So where does all this leave the ACTUAL likely build time of the XS?
The Europa Mk 1 advertized time was 500 hours. It takes about three times
that. The Europa XS advertized time is longer than the Mk 1. How much poetic
licence should one allow for this then? Double it? Treble it?
Mark Talbot (Europa G-BWCV)