Mark Talbot wrote:
> I wrote:
> >>
> you estimate that
> >> >with this fast built kit you could built your Europa XS in between 600 and
> >> >1000 hours.
> >> >
> >> But I thought that the original build kit was meant to take only 500 hours
> >> to complete. Surely that is what the advertisements always said - look at
> >> them - YEARS of them, in LOTS of magazines. Yet here is a FAST build kit
> >> that is going to take longer - or maybe 500 hours longer!! Something is
> >> wrong, surely?? Can someone explain?
> >> And then you wrote:
> >Do you live in a VACUUM? Hadn't your teachers in school taught you the
> >meaning of "poetic license"?
> >
> >An allegory to this is the "Campaign Promise" which is not worth the
> >paper it is not written on!
> So where does all this leave the ACTUAL likely build time of the XS?
> The Europa Mk 1 advertized time was 500 hours. It takes about three times
> that. The Europa XS advertized time is longer than the Mk 1. How much poetic
> licence should one allow for this then? Double it? Treble it?
> Mark Talbot (Europa G-BWCV)
So they underestimated, WAY UNDERESTIMATED, the time to build. If you're
so antsy about just go down to your local five and dime and get a
rubber-band windup glider and be in the air in no time at all. See how
many you have to build to lift you off the ground - how many hours?