Tony Renshaw wrote:
> Gidday,
> Does anyone agree that the ideal airofoil is the one that is cut in two to
> accomodate a spar? Could it not then be stated that the method of rejoining
> these components is critical. As I understand it and I am not at this stage
> yet, however I believe the old method of securing the aft edge of the wing
> skin to the back of the spar, and the new method which secures it with a bid
> tape, both effect the thickness at this critical location of the wing. Also
> of course is the effect of the trailing edge cloth overlapping the leading
> edge skin. I know of a fellow who has recessed his cores such as the
> consequent glasswork in this area maintains as much as possible the original
> airofoil. Doesn't sound like such a bad idea don't you think??
I agree, Tony. It really pays to look ahead in the builders manual to
make compensations at the early stage.
Timothy. P. Ward
26 Tomes Road
Christchurch 8005
PH 64033525726
Fax 64033525726