> Gidday,
> Does anyone agree that the ideal airofoil is the one that is cut in two to
> accomodate a spar? Could it not then be stated that the method of rejoining
> these components is critical.
If you build it according to instructions it is just fine. If you want a
confidence builder have a go at driving over one of your ailerons :-)
I am just about to help layup a pair of wings for a Windrose powered glider.
These wings are twice the length of the Europa and, other than a strip of
carbon fibre laid up along the spar cap, are built the same way as the Europa
wings - they even use the same biaxial cloth. The main layup should keep the
two of us entertained for eight or so hours!!!
If you want to see how badly you can make a Europa wing and still have the
plane fly have a close look at G-KITS! Ivan told me that they contracted out
the wing build to someone who, instead of checking the block line up and
washout, simply glued the blocks to the wing as they were supplied. It flies
but, as Graham so eloquently said, it seems to have built in headwind!!
Tony Krzyzewski tonyk@kaon.co.nz
Managing Director Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland New Zealand
Networkers visit www.kaon.co.nz
Aviators visit www.kaon.co.nz/europa/272index.html
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