I guess some one will tell me I've wasted my cash but I bought a rev counter
to 29000 for two and three blade props for under #30 including battery it
measures in hundreds and works fine on the Ogar and checks out accurate on
the Tele, the computor and fluroescent tubes. My local model shop produced it
at the drop of a hat almost.Seems fine to me Ron S No 33
BTW is there no one home at Euopa I put a Question re Mods last week to this
group and Europaa not a dicky bird Ron
I must have missed one. Mod 40 rambles on about Mod 33 (fuel tank drains)
My mod 33 is about firewalls and only distantly or hopefully not at all
connected to the Rotax fuel system Help Ron S no33 (I sent the
above a few days ago)
Any chance of clarification please Ron and would you like to send me an
invooice for my tail kit ..Bi