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Re: nicopress

Subject: Re: nicopress
From: E. & S. Lindsay <hlindsay@NMSU.Edu>
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 22:52:19
Good to know there's at least one other "dumb bunny" out there.  -Ed
>Alas, being a poor dumb bunny somebody is going to have to explain the 
>procedure for testing cables (without straining my back) to me in plain 
>English. If one of you engineering geniusses is willing to document the 
>procedure (including how to calculate the weight for any particular length of

>cable) and snail mail it to me at the address below I will add it to my 
>builders log for posterity.
>Tony Krzyzewski
>Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
>Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
>Auckland           New Zealand
>Networkers visit
>Aviators visit

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