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Re: nicopress

Subject: Re: nicopress
From: Roddy Kesterton <>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 09:53:26

Would it not be simple to test the cables by making a rig using a piece of
scaffold pole and a couple of sturdy mountings. Attach on end of the finished
cable to something fixed, and the other 20cm along a 220cm pole. Pivot the pole
behind something sturdy (I have in mind my vice) and apply a 70 pound force.
Voila! Through the magic of levers and fulcrums you have a 700 pound strain on
the cable (and the mounting points!). I propose to use a spring balance to apply
the force, but this could be via a weight and pulley, or you could set up it all
up vertically if you can find strong enough fixing points.

Roddy Kesterton (#220)

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