Steve G. wrote:
>Rowland and Wilma Carson wrote:
>> AFAIK there are 68 flying Europas at Dec 1997; these are:
>Just curious, of the above number, out of how many kits delivered?
The number above includes the factory demonstrators (4 off). The latest
kit number allocations I have access to are: Kirkbymoorside, #374;
Lakeland, A085, for a total of 459 builders. Of course, the most recent
ones will only have started, and may not even have received the
complete kit yet, so they can't expect to be finished. Even so that
makes a customer completion rate of about 14% - assuming my figures are
correct - I welcome any new or better information. I don't know how
that compares with Brand X.
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...