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Re: Alternative engine for

Subject: Re: Alternative engine for
From: Miles McCallum <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1998 13:55:43
>C Myself, I want a diesel engine. More torque, better fuel specifix therefore

>more range and much lower fuel costs E

Well, if you wait for a couple of years, you may be in luck; a prototype 2
cylinder diesel a/c engine flew a couple of months ago (in a Cub, I believe)
but the designer/owner refuses to divulge even the layout for the time being
-he's wary of being swamped by eager europa owners and the like for info,
and would prefer to spend his time on development rather than answering

However, rumour has it that it's a 4 piston 2 stroke (2 cranks, pistons at
each end of the bore) of 100 hp, and perfectly suited to our needs, dreams,
and desires.

My prediction for 2000: 140 kt @ 2.5 gph of Jet A1.

With a bit of luck, I should be ready by then.....

Happy new year to all of you.


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